My Husband does not belong to me!

What a SHOCK!

It was one of those moments, I had just put a tom brown mixture on fire and was stirring. I was stuck at one place so I could not help but think. My mind went to a YouTube video I had watched the night before. It was one of the Dear Future Wifey podcast episodes. The guest was sharing with the host, Laterras R. Whitfield, how her husband cheated on her several times. This memory got me asking myself how I will handle this situation if I was in her shoes. I felt very sad and helpless at the thought, that I will be sharing my husband with other women – I am not the one-and-only after all. Almost immediately after I had had this thought, the Holy Spirit asked me. Who said your husband belongs to you? He went on to remind me of what marriage is, as said by God in His word. It is a symbol of Christ and the Church. Christ is to “wash His ‘rebellious’ bride with the water of word and present her to Himself in all her glory, …holy and blameless.” Ephesians 5:25-27 NASB1995 In the same way, as a wife, I am expected to wash my husband with the word of God. I am to say about him what God has said, no matter how he treats me, because, the aim is to present him without spot or wrinkle – holy and blameless.

This means that I have to get over myself. Even if I will take offence over what he has done, it must be because I am not happy about how he is treating God, disobeying and dragging His name through the mad. And I should not stop at that. I must go on to pray fervently for his repentance, lest he falls under God’s wrath. Or lest the devil takes hold of him completely. My job is to ensure that my husband grows into the image of Christ, not my image. Haish! Wow! I did not see this coming, at all!!! Ei! Father, give us grace to live this truth, because this thought is not pleasant at all. Help me to learn now, to see others as Your property, not mine. To be able to make room for their faults and pray and trust You to be the one to change them. Holy Spirit, please remind me about this revelation when I get married, that my husband does not belong to me but to You. You have given us to each other to sharpen ourselves as “iron sharpens iron” Proverbs 7:17 so that, through our marriage, no matter how we behave towards each other, ultimately we will be conformed to the image of Christ. Romans 8:29 

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