Elementor #1829


As soon as we got to our cars at the Fire service station, we made a beeline for the fufu joint. Ha! After such an exciting but energy sapping hike, the only food that will do is fufu. You’ll do yourself a disservice if you eat anything else, lol. This joint too is a really correct one. Must be because it’s run by men. lol.The fufu at this joint is so good. They serve a variety of proteins at reasonable prices – akrantie, goat, fish (tuna, tilapia, etc.), chicken, etc.

Together we ordered all of the above except  fish. It took a while for the food to come but it was worth the wait, for two reasons. While we waited we chatted and got to know a bit more about each other. Also, when the food finally came, boy was it good! No stone was left unturned, lol. We all emptied our apotoyiwa (earthenware bowls). And then sat back to clear the meat stuck in our teeth, and resume our conversation. We could have sat there the entire evening. This was a really delicious ending to the day. 

We exchanged contacts and then parted ways. One day soon, we will do this again, in another place. We will explore the world and enjoy God’s awesome and beautiful creation, no matter the odds against us. Because, it’s always rewarding in the end.


Life lessons from the hike!

I learned and was also reminded of quite a lot from this hiking experience. The fact that we just planned to take a leisurely walk but ended up hiking and also scaling a mountain reminded me of the scripture that says, “There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.” As I plan for my life I should be open-minded and accept the changes God brings along the way. They are always way better than what I think or imagine. It doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges. When we opted to check out the falls we were excited. But we had to go through the challenge of going through the forest and scaling the mountain. These didn’t deter us, neither did it spoil the fun. We finished exhausted but felt very accomplished.

Another lesson or reminder I got from this experience is to be nice to everyone. We saw these two guys, now friends, along the way and decided to join them to the falls. Fast forward while we chatted at the fufu joint we realized that we had friends in common. It is such a small world, we are all one big family. So, let’s be nice.

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