Welcome To Abby Imani
What We Do
Abby Imani Reveals (AIR) show
The AIR show provides the platform for open and honest conversation about all aspects of life, particularly from the Christian point of view. We want to confront those issues that we tend to gloss over and/or over spiritualize, and support each other to navigate the challenges that life throws at us.
Relationship Coaching
Our relationship coaching service is based on an assessment tool by Prepare/Enrich (make this a hyperlink). The tool contains questions that will uncover the growth areas and strengths of a couple (married or pre-marital). It takes approximately 45 minutes to go through the questions. At the end a report is generated and a facilitator holds discussion sessions based on the issues
Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling
Typically, most Ghanaians do not regard therapy as one of the necessary means through which relational challenges can be resolved.
Gallery of natural features
Nature is beautiful. When captured right it serves as a source of therapy that delights the heart and brings peace and calm to the mind. The Abby Imani Gallery will showcase a wide range of picturesque natural features from different locations, both local and international, exhibited both for sale and observation.
Abby Imani Perfume/Cosmetic line
The Abby Imani cosmetic line will have a wide array of products to choose from. Products for the hair, skin, nails, eyes, etc. the perfume line will come from fragrances mixed exclusively for the Abby Imani perfume line.